dissabte, 4 de juny del 2011



My favourite bar in Berga is definitely Bar La Plaça. There are a lot of bars in Berga, about 120, but La Plaça is special. It is an old building in the old village, near the cinema. This bar is a great place to watch a football match with your friends.

The interior of the bar is really beautiful. The walls are covered with photographs of Patum and of the staff of the bar. There are also some pictures of famous musicians of many different styles: Bob Marley (reggae), Rolling Stones (rock), The Beatles (pop)...

The outside is also worth mentioning. It is a square called “Plaça del Forn”. If you want, you can drink something outside at the tables there are there. You can also smoke there.

The bar is famous all over Berga for the jazz concerts they organize. There are more than twenty-five types of beer on the menu, but it isn't all. You can also play cards or darts there.

However, you should know that you can't have dinner there. You just can eat a snack.

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